Monday, November 21, 2005

And I thought last week was terrifying...

Warning. Your life is not be wished away. It is all you have.

I would like to know what happens if I just cannot make it to tomorrow?

I slept for 1 hour last night. THat is stupid. 4:45am. It is unhealthy, but atleast I went to bed with some understanding of what I was going to do in my classes. That is just not good. The real problem is that I cannot keep it up. If it takes all that just to prepare for tomorrow.... how do I ever plan ahead? I have had a terrible time trying to plan ahead becasue I don't know exactly what can be accomplished in a day, I don't understand where I want to take my students, and I haven't had the time to plan ahead with notes and fine details since... ever?

I am psycho today - I can't keep my thoughts together to accomplish simple tasks. So, I've decided to go to bed, but I don't what I'm going to do tomorrw... and then there is always the day aafter that....
Not to mention that I was at girls basketball tryouts for 3 hours tonight, 3 tomorrow, 3 on WEdnesday, and I'm ducking out of 3hours on Thursday to drive to S'toon for a meeting.

I'm ashamed that I need to share the fine details of my self-obsessed misery, but it feels like there is nothing else and there is definately no way out, but through. I do nnot want to go through. I feel finished. I could put in 3 hours tonight before sleeping but I don't know how far it will take me and it will leave me even more fried than I already am...

Despair and Defeat.


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Granola Girl said...

Oh darling, teaching is a skill more than an academic subject. Understanding and intuition develop over time and even then can be faulty. Oh, how I feel your pain. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug.

I love you lots- it was so great to hear your laughter and your voice on Saturday.


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